Helpful Tips on How to Pass the Firefighting Exams

Who are you going to call when a fire breaks out in your neighborhood? Well, that’s a no-brainer, because you call a fireman! Firefighter are brave and highly-skilled men and women who combat and extinguish, or control, fires. They also act as EMT’s or emergency medical technicians, as well as fire-prevention resource persons and fire investigators. If you’re looking forward to a career as a firefighter, here are a couple of helpful hints on how to pass the firefighting examinations.

The Common Parts/Sections of the Firefighter Entrance Examination

The firefighter written exam can be the first major step in becoming a professional firefighter. Preparation for this exam is key, and requires a lot of research, as well as familiarizing the common parts of the exam by reading the entrance firefighter written exam study guide

Among the common parts or sections of the firefighter entrance test include Reading Comprehension (How well you understand reading, and can relate it to the questions being asked), Basic Arithmetic (Addition, subtraction, multiplication and division), Math (Including fractions and decimals), Conversion Problems (Inches, feet, yards, ounces, pounds, pints, quarts etc.), Job-related Characteristics, Psychological and Firefighter-related questions.

The other parts of the firefighter test include Mechanical Aptitude (Knowledge of basic firefighting-related mechanical equipment) and Basic Map Understanding (Ability to follow directions and read maps). Applicants can also familiarize themselves with these sections by getting a copy of the  entrance firefighter written exam study guide.

Strategies to Consider When Taking the Test

Apart from getting yourself a copy of the entrance firefighter written exam study guide, here are a couple of test-taking strategies to keep in mind. First, read the question and select the answer that is generally true.

Second, as most fire departments only take the Top Ten percent scores from the written exam, you need to score a 90% or better on the written test. Thus, get adequate sleep the night before the test and eat a balanced breakfast.

Third, carefully read the entire question all the way to the end. Don’t change your answers too much, because according to most exam experts, the more you change the your answer the more likely it will be incorrect.

Check your answers again and again, because most test-takers often find out that they may have the right answer but accidentally marked the wrong selection. This often happens when the test-taker is anxious or is trying to rush the exam.

It would also be good if you take as many tests as possible, so that you’ll gain confidence and experience. Remember that persistence pays off when applying not just for a firefighter’s job, but for any job!

If you’re given the opportunity to become a full-time firefighter, remember that most fire chiefs look for experienced and skilled firefighters who have a good work history, above-average work ethics and sound educational background.

So, study hard for the firefighter written examination by immersing yourself in all firefighter-related articles and information, as well as by getting yourself a good-quality entrance firefighter written exam study guide!

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